Monday, May 17, 2010

Fabulous Frogs!

The Wide Mouthed Frog by Keith Faulkner
Jump, Frog, Jump! by Robert Kalan
One Frog Sang by Shirley Parenteau
Frog Lunch by Dee Lillegard

Songs & Fingerplays & Flannelboards:
Five Green and Speckled Frogs
Five green and speckled frogs,
Sat on a speckled log,
Eating some most delicious bugs,
One jumped into the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there are four green speckled frogs,
(Continue until there are no frogs left.)

Does It Hop, Hop, Hop?
(sung to the tune of Do Your Ears Hang Low?)
Does it hop, hop, hop
"Til you think it will not stop?
Does it make a 'ribbit' sound
On a day that's very hot?
Does it swim very well?
Then I know that you can tell
That it is a frog!

Little Green Frog
(blink) (stick out tongue) went the little green frog one day
(blink) (tongue) went the little green frog
(blink) (tongue) went the little green frog one day
And they all went (blink) (blink) (tongue)
We all know frogs go LAH ( clap) dee dah dee dah (wave hands to side like hula), lah ( clap) dee dah dee dah ( wave), lah ( clap) dee dah dee dah ( wave)We all know frogs go LAH (clap) DEE DAH DEE DAH (wave)
They don't go (blink) (blink) (tongue).


Green & Speckled Frogs Craft
We're making our own fly-catching frogs with long sticky tongues!

Tiddlywink Frogs
We’ll challenge fine motor skills as we try to hop those frogs into the pool!
Frog Life Cycle
We’ll use sequencing skills to expand our understanding of the frog’s life cycle.
Green & Speckled Frogs
We used a feltboard and sang it during our Circle Time, now let’s act it out!

Large Group Movement Fun:

Bean Bag Games!
Are you ready to balance and toss, pass and rock with your beanbags?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May 12, 2010: Farmyard Fun!

Over on the Farm by Christopher Gunson
Who Took the Farmer's Hat? by Joan Nodset
Who's on the Farm by Heather Gondak
This is the Farmer by Nancy Tarfui
Color Farm by Lois Ehlert

Songs, Fingerplays & Flannel Board Fun:
(to the tune of Six Little Ducks)
Ten Little Pigs
Ten little piggies rolling in the mud
Squishy, squashy, felt so good
the farmer took on piggie out,
Oink! Oink! Oink! that pig did shout!
(continue song, counting backwards, nine, eight...)
No little piggies rolling in the mud,
They all look so clean and good,
The Farmer turned his back and then,
Those pigs rolled in the mud again!

Down On Grandpa's Farm
Oh, we're on our way, we're on our way,
On our way to Grandpa's farm.
We're on our way, we're on our way 
On our way to Grandpa's farm.
Down on Grandpa's farm there is a big brown cow,
Down on Grandpa's farm there is a big brown cow.
The cow she makes a sound like this: Moo! Moo!
The cow she makes a sound like this: Moo! Moo!

Continue with other animals, let kids pick the animals and sounds they make.

Fluffy Sheep: kids will make a sheep to take home using cotton balls, small paper plates, sheep head print outs, black construction paper and gluesticks. 
Pigs in the Mud: We'll get a little messy finger painting with chocolate pudding on pre-printed and laminated pink pigs printed.
What's Missing: we'll give this classic memory game a farmyard twist today! Props: a farmer's straw hat and an array of farm animals.

Barnyard Mix Up
In and Out of the Barn

Idea for Home:
Pig Slop Snack: talk to your kids about how farmers often mix different foods or leftovers to feed their pigs, then create a Pig Slop Snack by mixing snack foods in a bowl.