Monday, September 20, 2010

Fresh Fall Leaves

***Please bring in some leaves from home this week!***

Fresh Fall Leaves by Betsy Franco 
Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert 
Leaf Jumpers by Carol Gerber 
When Autumn Falls by Kelli Nidey 

Songs & Fingerplays: 
Leaves on the Tree 
Sung to Wheels on the Bus
The leaves on the trees turn orange and brown,
orange and brown, orange and brown.
The leaves on the trees turn orange and brown
All around the town.
The leaves on the trees come tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down.
The leaves on the trees coming tumbling down,
Down to the ground.
The leaves on the ground go swish, swish, swish,
swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish
The leaves on the ground go swish, swish, swish
All over the ground. 

Five Little Leaves 
Five little leaves, so happy and gay
were dancing about on a tree one day
the wind came blowing through the town
and one little leaf came tumbling down.
Four , three two, one little leaves…(repeat) 

Leaf Rubbings
We'll use fall colored rubbing crayons to create beautiful leaf rubbings!
Matching Leaves 
Put your keen observation skills to the test and see if you can match the pairs of leaves.
Fall Feely Bags
Close your eyes and reach inside and see what you can feel. Kids will use their sense of touch to explore fall related objects.

Large Group Activity: 
Parachute Games
Let's use our leaves to make our own fall fun with the parachute!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ten Red Apples

10 Apples Up On Top by Dr. Seuss

Ten Red Apples by Pat Hutchins
Dappled Apples by Jan Carr 


10 Red Apples

Sung to the tune of 10 Little Indians

One red, two red, three red apples,
Four red, five red, six red apples,
Seven red, eight red, nine red apples,
Ten red apples, Yum! Yum! Yum! (rub tummy on yums)
Repeat for yellow, green and brown apples, but last line of brown verse ends..
10 brown apples Yuk! Yuk! Yuk! (push away with both hands)

All Around The Apple Tree

Sung to the tune of "Mulberry Bush"

Here we go round the apple tree, the apple tree, the apple tree
Here we go around the apple tree
On a frosty morning.
This is the way we climb the ladder
-pick the apples
-wash the apples
-peel the apples
-cook the apples


Five Red Apples

Five red apples hanging on a tree (five fingers held up)
The juiciest apples you ever did see!
(rub tummy)
The wind came past
(cup hands around mouth and blow) And gave an angry frown (shake head and look angry) And one little apple came tumbling down.
Four red apples, etc.


Apple Trees

Kids will make their very own apple trees with construction paper and dot paints today!

Apple Balancing

How many bean bag apples can you balance on your head?
Apple Toss

Fun with a good ol' fashioned apple toss!

Movement Games:    

Worm Through the Apple

Children stand in a line with feet apart. One child is the "worm" and crawls through the "apple" (children's feet). When the child reaches the end the next person in line becomes the "worm".


Pass the Apple

Play just like Hot Potato. The children pass an apple until the music stops. Who ever is holding it when the music stops is sent to the apple patch (the center of the circle).


Monday, September 13, 2010

Welcome to the 2010-2011 Season!

Welcome to the Fall session of Circle Time! 

In this session we'll be exploring the topics of Fall and Halloween Fun through stories, songs, creative dramatics, crafts, games and movement fun. I'm looking forward to a new session as well as meeting all of you, parents and kids alike.

Here's what you can expect in the coming weeks:
September 15: 10 Apples Up on Top
September 22: Welcome Fall!
September 29: **no class this week**
October 6:  Visit from a Fire Fighter (tentative)
October 13: Monster Mania
October 20: Pumpkin Fun
October 27: Halloween Party!

Check back here weekly to see what we'll be doing to explore each topic. 

See you Wednesday!