Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring II Session....

Next week begins a whole new session of Circle Time fun! I'm looking forward to meeting some new friends an seeing some familiar faces!

Here's the schedule for the next 6 weeks:

May 4: Hurray for Mother's Day
May 11: May Flowers
May 18: Spring on the Farm
May 25: Beautiful Butterflies
June 1: Bug Bonanza!
June 8: Goin' on a Picnic

There were a few openings left in the session, so please spread the word and invite a friend to join us.
See you soon!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April Showers

Hello Circle Time friends!
I hope you had a nice week off and enjoyed some early Spring fun. My surgery went well and I am recuperating very nicely and eager to see you all again. This week it's all about rain!


Red Rubber Boot Day by Mary Lyn Ray
Smudge by Julie Sykes
Kipper’s Rainy Day by Mick Inkpen

Songs & Fingerplays
Mud Mix
Mix the mud.                                     (make stirring motion)
Squish the mud.                               (make squishing motion with fingers)
Squash it with your feet.              (stand on balls of feet and twist)
Squishy, squashy, squooshy mud. (pretend to make a mud pie)
Mud is really neat!                          (hold up hands, palms out)
Mix the mud.                                     (make stirring motion)
Squish the mud.                               (make squishing motion with fingers)
Squash it with your feet.              (stand on balls of feet and twist)
Ucky, yucky, mucky mud.             (pretend to make a mud pie)
Mud is really neat!                          (hold up hands, palms out)

I’m a Little Rain Cloud
(sung to the tune of I’m a Little teapot)
I’m a little rain cloud fat and round
When it thunders I make this sound
Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Rolling around.
Splash! The rain comes tumbling down!
(We’ll use musical instruments to make a raucous stormy noise!)

A Rainbow Surprise
I’m a little rain cloud in the sky.
I can help make rainbows if I try.
I make a little rain in the bright sunshine,             
Out pops a rainbow, it sure is fine!          
(rainbow puppet)

Not on Me!
Rain on the green grass,               (flutter fingers down to ground)
And rain in the trees,     (flutter fingers over head)
Rain in the housetops,   (make house peak over head with arms)
But not on me!                 (circle arms over head to make umbrella)
(Repeat poem replacing ‘green grass’ and ‘housetop’ with other ideas children suggest)

Ring Around the Puddle
Ring around the puddle.
Pockets full of mud.
Splish! Splash! Splish! Splash!
We all fall in!

Water Cycle Bracelets
 Start with a white bead, (the clouds), then a light blue bead (the rain), then a green bead (the grass where the rain lands), then a yellow bead (the sun is shining on the earth), then a clear bead (evaporation), then another white bead (the water is again in the clouds).
 Plip Plop, Raindrop
Cottonball clouds and fingertip raindrops.
Drop in the Bucket
Let’s see if you can make the raindrops fall in the buckets!
(raindrop sponges, beach buckets)

Large Group Movement
Puddle Jumping
Today the hoops will be rain puddles, we’ll play music, as children walk around/jump over the puddles. When the music stops they get to jump in the puddles!