Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Turkey Talk

A Turkey for Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting
Thanks for Thanksgiving by Julie Markes
This is the Turkey by Abby Levine
This First Thanksgiving Day by Laura Krauss Melmed
Over the River and Through the Wood by Lydia Maria Child
Oh, What a Thanksgiving! by Steven Kroll                  

Songs & Fingerplays   
The Turkey
The turkey is a funny bird
His head goes wobble, wobble,
(move head from side to side)
The only word that he can say
Is gobble, gobble, gobble.
(children walk with a wiggle and repeat the last line)

Five Little Turkeys
Five little turkeys sat in their pen,
“Hide, Turkeys, Hide!” said the little red hen.
One little turkey hopped out the door
And when he was gone, there were four.
Four little turkeys sat in their pen.
"Hide, turkeys, hide!" said the little red hen.
One little turkey flew far away
But the other ...(3) decided to stay.
Three little turkeys sat in their pen.
"Hide, turkeys, hide!" said the little red hen.
One little turkey flapped her wings and flew.
And when she was gone, there were ...(2).
Two little turkeys sat in their pen.
"Hide, turkeys, hide!" said the little red hen.
One little turkey flew far away.
But the last ...(1) decided to stay.
1 little turkey sat in his pen.
"Hide, turkey, hide!" said the little red hen.
The last little turkey flew off toward the sun
And when he was gone, there were ...(none).

Color Turkey Feathers
Mr. Turkey was so sad.
He lost the feathers he once had.
Now he wants us to help him find
all the feathers of his kind.
We will look both high and low,
we will find them, don't you know.
Here's a red one and a blue.
Look, we've found a green one too.
Here's an orange one and a yellow
soon he'll be a feathered fellow.
Now we've found the purple one,
Black and white-we're almost done.
If we just look up and down,
I know we'll find the feather brown.
Now Mr. Turkey is so glad,
We found the feathers he once had.

Turkey Hunt
We’ll go a-huntin’ for some hidden turkeys!

Pumpkin Playdough
We’ll get more use out of our pumpkin pie scented playdough…a favorite activity!
Turkey Feathers
Let’s make turkeys with lots of colorful feathers today!
Stuff the Turkey
We’ll toss ‘stuffing’ into large paper bag turkeys for some large motor fun!

Large Group Activity
Gobble, Gobble
One child is the farmer. The rest of the children are turkeys. The farmer closes eyes and the turkeys all go hide. Once hidden the turkeys can randomly and quietly "gobble, gobble". The farmer sets out and finds all his/her turkeys.